
Kotor fastest way to get lightsaber
Kotor fastest way to get lightsaber

kotor fastest way to get lightsaber

When you enter the ancient tombs that you are sent to investigate, on Dantooine, you walk forward until you get to a ancient droid which you talk to.

kotor fastest way to get lightsaber

You also receive a lot of Dark Side points if you opt to do this. Dak should be alive (as long as Juhani is not with you), so you can talk to him and kill him over and over again! The lightsaber crystals you get from Dak are worth nearly 2000 credits each on Yavin 4. Now go out of the cantina and take a left to the valley where the entrance to the Sith Academy is, and turn right back around and go into the cantina again. After you kill him, collect his remains, including 150 credits and a lightsaber crystal. You will be able to tell him that you are going to kill him and you will fight. Go there and talk with him WITHOUT Juhani. Dak is bitter and will leave and be in the cantina. There is a character off to the left in the Valley of the Dark Lords named Dak Vesser.Īsk him who he is and Juhani will recognize him as a lost Jedi lover. When your character gets to Korriban, head to the Sith academy, outside the tombs (where the archeologists are) and be sure to take Juhani with you.

Kotor fastest way to get lightsaber